C.T.B. Polygraph Services, L.L.C. provides polygraph tests (lie detector tests) for the purpose of verifying the truthfulness of a person's statement about a specific issue. Validated testing techniques by the American Polygraph Association are utilized and are supported by scientific research for each test. We conduct Criminal tests, Civil tests, PCSOT testing, Fidelity tests, Relationship tests.
We also conduct Law Enforcement Pre- Employment screening tests, Fishing tournament validation testing.
We can travel to you if needed, we have a mobile office to conduct polygraph examinations.
Polygraph Services Provided
Criminal polygraph
Since 2010
Specific Issue Criminal tests
Civil polygraph
Since 2010
Specific Issue Civil / Family tests
Fidelity polygraph
Since 2010
Specific Issue fidelity and Relationship tests
Verification polygraph
Since 2010
Test the truthfulness of a statement
Sex Offender Polygraph
Since 2020
PCSOT sex offender testing
Sporting event Polygraph
Since 2010
Fishing Tournament /Sporting events
Screening Polygraph
Since 2010
Law Enforcement employment screening tests
C.T.B. Polygraph Services LLC is Honored to be the Polygraph Examiner for these Organizations and Elite Anglers
Professional Redfish
Louisiana /Texas
Coastal Conservation Association
Redfish World Series
Florida Redfish Series
Salt Pro Redfish Series
CTB Polygraph Services LLC was happy to conduct the polygraph exams for the winning anglers in the Florida Redfish Series tournament in Jacksonville, Florida. Congratulations to the winning teams . πΊπΈπ£πΊπΈ
C.T.B.Polygraph Services LLC conducted the polygraph examinations on the winning anglers in the Salt Pro Series in Port Arthur, Texas. Congratulations to the winning teams . πΊπΈπ£πΊπΈ
C.T.B. Polygraph Services LLC conducted the polygraph exams on the winning anglers in the 2024 PRL Redfish World Series in Delacroix, Louisiana at Sweetwater Marina.
Tight competition, and large prize winnings our polygraph services continue to keep integrity throughout the series.
Congratulations to Ryan Rickard and Pat Marsonek for winning the 2024 Redfish World Series!!
2023 Annual Tiffany Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament Manchac , Louisiana
It was a pleasure conducting the polygraph examination on the winning Bass anglers in the 2023 Annual Tiffany Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament in Manchac Louisiana. The winner won the gator trax boat πΊπΈπ£
Congratulations to Brandon Sanchez ! Brandon was the 1st place winner and is now the proud owner of a brand new GatorTrax boat (Bfc Marine), Gator-Tail Outboards motor, and Tennessee Trailers. His total weight was 18.58 lbs.
2023 Professional Red fish League World Series
We conducted the polygraph exams on the winning anglers in the PRL Redfish World Series in Louisiana
When money is on the line.We make sure the rules are followed!!
Congratulations to the winning anglers on beating the best of the best!!
2024 Professional Red fish League Excalibur Tour
We conduct the polygraph exams on the winning anglers in the PRL Series in Louisiana
When money is on the line.We make sure the rules are followed!!
Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail Bass Tournament 2024
C.T.B .Polygraph Services had the pleasure of administering polygraph tests to the victorious anglers at the Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail Bass Tournament held at Fin and Feather in Hemphill, Texas.
Mobile Polygraph Suite
We have a mobile polygraph suite to accommodate any type of sporting event that needs polygraph services!